We took our yearly camping trip out to Savoy. We spent the first week with the Kochanskis. And despite the rain we had a great time. I even saw Star Wars Episode I for the first time.
On Friday most of the rest of the group showed up and we started the group meals. Joel and I were in charge of our usual meal of Gingerbread Pancakes for Saturday breakfast.
Saturday was a gorgeous day and we spent the morning on a hike with the naturalist. The afternoon was spent at the beach at South Pond, cavorting in the water, kayaking, and playing cards.
Sunday started with rain. So we packed everything up wet and left early. And this is just about as much writing as I can take after getting our Grand Canyon journal out.
This web page (http://www.gouldhome.com/savoy99.html) was last updated on June 26, 1999.
For any comments or suggestions about the site contact Daphne Gould.
Contents copyright © 1999-2003 by Joel and Daphne Gould.