On March 22nd, the Boston area was hit by a Northeaster that dumped as much as 7 inches of rain on top of the deep snowpack. Because of the massive amount iof rain, still frozen ground and snow melt caused by the rain, flooding was a major problem. The Aberjona river, which flows through the center of Winchester, crested at the highest level ever seen.
The downtown flood filled the high school's physical plant with water for the second time in four years. The next day, scholls were closed all over town.
On my way back from the dump, where I discarded a number of items damaged by the water that leaked into our own basement, I took a few memorable pictures of the downtown area.
This web page (http://www.gouldhome.com/WinchesterFlood.html) was last updated on March 23, 2001.
For any comments or suggestions about the site contact Daphne Gould.
Contents copyright © 1999-2003 by Joel and Daphne Gould.