Welcome to the official results page for the 2005 edition of the Pawtuckaway, NH Canoe Orienteering meet.
Every year, Daphne and I organize a canoe/kayak orienteering meet in conjunction with the
annual UNO
(the orienteering club that covers New Hampshire and Maine) orienteering and camping weekend
at Pawtuckaway State Park in Raymond, NH. This was our seventh annual Pawtuckaway canoe-O.
The weekend featured perfect weather, and plenty of orienteers showed up for the various events (of
which the Canoe-O was only one). This year we had a total of 33 groups compete over the day and a
half that the course was available. Attendence was light this year because of competing events.
Specifically, the Finals for the 2005
Sprint Series, which was held on Saturday afternoon, and which left the Canoe-O course empty.
The canoe-O is organized in score-O format. There are 14 controls placed around Pawtuckaway Lake,
all accessible from the water (except for one land control). Paddlers have 60 minutes to find
as many controls as possible and then return to the start.
This year, featured a significant competition for first place. The team of Aims Coney and
J. J. Cote, the previous Pawtuckaway Canoe-O champions of the past three years and previous national
champions as well, faced off against the 2005 national Canoe-O champions (C2-Men), Steve and Seth Miller.
The Millers went first, mid-morning on Sunday, and turned in an impressive performance. They were
able to punch all 14 controls and return in just over 50 minutes. But Aims and J.J. had the advantage
of knowing the Miller's time, and last year's Pawtuckaway winners were able to coast to victory for
their fourth year, punching all 14 controls in 44 minutes and 30 seconds.
Andy Hall put in the best single performace; he punched all 14 controls and returned in only 51
minutes and 38 seconds. In all, only 5 of the teams were able to punch all 14 controls. But
everyone has a good time.
2005 Course |
Aims and JJ's Route |
Miller's Route |
Andy Hall's Route |
Eric Bone's Route |
Continuing in last year's tradition, I have posted a copy of the course along with maps showing the
routes taken by four of the teams. As you can see, most of the routes are very similar. (The exact
paths between controls is only approximate, since I only recorded an overview of the route choices
of each team.) The Miller's and Andy Hall both took a pretty typical route, visting all the
controls in a counter-clockwise circle. Both teams also choose to portage their boats across the
penisula near the finish, instead of paddling around.
In canoe-o, the best route choice is often across land, as explained in this essay by Aims Coney (which first
appeared in the Spring 1999 issue of Canoe News). As an example, I included the route
choices made by Eric Bone, one of the solo competitors. Eric choose to skip controls 12 and 7.
Since he decided not to paddle all the way to control 12, he realized that the fastest way to reach
controls 10 and 11 was to land his boat and run across Horse Island on land.
Aims and J.J. made some interesting route choices of their own. At the start, they split up with Aims carrying the canoe across
the penisula to control 7, while J.J. ran to punch control 1.
(As shown on the map, J.J. actually started off running in the wrong direction and had to double
back.) At Horse Island, notice how Aims dropped J.J. off to punch control number 11, while he
paddled the boat in a more direct path across the bay. Most of the other teams had to paddle extra
distance to reach control number 11 by water.
After the course, J. J. Cote made the following comments about his winning run.
My impression afterwards was that it was as close to perfect as we've ever done, and it was perhaps
our finest race ever. After things sink in, of course, you realize the tiny imperfections. I
initially thought that my 90 degree error at the start didn't actually matter, since I still got to
#7 ahead of Aims, but if I had gone the right way, I might have been able to meet him en route and
help with the portage. I think the splitting up for #11 was a fine move. Looking at the splits,
it's hard to be sure whether the portage to the finish was a good move or not, but it certainly
wasn't bad.
This was our only Canoe-O this year, and I'm very pleased that we were able to really show our
stuff. And it was the key puzzle piece to complete an excellent weekend.
And here is Aims Coney's analysis of the 55 seconds they saved portaging from control number 6 to
the finish.
Distance from #13 to #8 is about .98K which we did in 6:13 making our water speed about 9.5 K/hour.
We were inspired!- our normal pace is about 8.8K to 8.9k/hour.
Paddling distance from #6 to the launch is about .60 K and would take 4:08.
From #6 to the big rock where we started to portage is about .12K or 46 seconds of paddling.
We had a little trouble getting away from control #6, J-J got caught on the wrong side of the boat
getting back in, mostly my fault for not communicating the outgoing path. That accounts for 20
seconds. And, when we took out to portage, I fell backwards and had to struggle a bit to get
upright enough to pick up the boat- that explains the longer transition time on the portage.
Time to Paddle Around |
Time to Portage Over |
leaving control | 00:20 |
leaving control | 00:20 |
paddle time | 04:08 |
paddle time | 00:46 |
transition time | 00:12 |
transition time | 00:27 |
carry time | 00:00 |
carry time | 01:52 |
run in | 00:20 |
run in | 00:20 |
total | 04:40 |
total | 03:45 |
Don't forget to check out all the pictures
that I took at the camping weekend, including shots of the canoe racers as well as foot-O
racers. Note: more pictures have been added since this page was originally posted in
Here are the final results for the 2005 Canoe-O
Groups were ranked based on points scored. Three points per control punched less one point for each
minute (or fraction) overtime. In the case of a tie, the group with the shorter time was ranked
Aims Coney and J. J. Cote | 42 | 44:17 |
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Steve Miller and Seth Miller | 42 | 50:28 |
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Andy Hall | 42 | 51:22 |
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Darrell and Michelle Scott | 40 | 61:19 |
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Andrew and Carl Childs | 39 | 62:28 |
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Bill Gray | 36 | 55:32 |
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Charlie DeWeese | 36 | 57:06 |
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Liz and Ed Kotowski | 33 | 58:02 |
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Dick, Mark, Terri | 33 | 58:31 |
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Eric Bone | 33 | 62:27 |
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Terry Myers | 31 | 61:16 |
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Calvin and Carl Underwood | 29 | 63:08 |
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Ceire, Jillian and Theo | 27 | 59:00 |
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Roger and Trisha Underwood | 26 | 60:12 |
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Scott and Phil Turner | 26 | 60:19 |
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Barb Bryant and Group | 26 | 66:13 |
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Lynne Pentler and Neil Faiman | 24 | 56:19 |
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Glenn Wouters | 24 | 57:13 |
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James G Healy | 24 | 58:32 |
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Don Cambell | 24 | 59:34 |
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Ekaterina Drekhova and Boris Granorsky | 23 | 66:06 |
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Tom and Seth | 22 | 64:24 |
Dunlavey and Williams | 21 | 53:23 |
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Scott and Caroline Meeks | 20 | 63:09 |
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Dunlavey and Burdick | 20 | 69:23 |
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Ethan and Mary Jo Childs | 17 | 69:32 |
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Philip Turner | 15 | 53:12 |
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Greta and Sarah | 15 | 58:16 |
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Ruth Kabel and Group | 13 | 64:19 |
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Matthew Austin and Group | 9 | 62:10 |
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Nicholas Commons-Miller | 4 | 70:23 |
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Becky, Katie and Theo | 2 | 60:15 |
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This web page (http://www.gouldhome.com/Pawtuckaway2005Canoe-o.html) was last updated on September 23, 2005.
For any comments or suggestions about the site contact Daphne Gould.
Contents copyright © 1999-2003 by Joel and Daphne Gould.