Welcome to the official results page for the 2004 edition of the Pawtuckaway, NH Canoe Orienteering meet.
Every year, Daphne and I organize a canoe/kayak orienteering meet in conjunction with the
annual UNO
(the orienteering club that covers New Hampshire and Maine) orienteering and camping weekend
at Pawtuckaway State Park in Raymond, NH. This was our sixth annual Pawtuckaway canoe-O.
(There was no canoe-O in 2003 because there was no UNO camping weekend that year.)
It was another great weekend, with perfect weather -- sunny and low 70s. This year we
had 38 groups compete over the day and a half that the course was available. And we would have
had more starts if we had more canoes available for people to borrow.
2004 Course |
Aims and JJ's Route |
Aims' Solo Route |
Darrell's Route |
Visit Counts |
The canoe-O is organized in score-O format. There are 14 controls placed around Pawtuckaway Lake,
all accessible from the water (except for one land control). Paddlers have 60 minutes to find
as many controls as possible and then return to the start.
Darrell Scott was our first contestant,
paddling solo in his own kayak. Darrell was able to
get every control with 12 seconds to spare. As Aims Coney observed, this changed the character
of the entire event. To win, subsequent racers would have to get every control and beat Darrell's
time, instead of making strategic decisions about which controls to skip.
The winning group was Aims Coney and J.J. Cote,
same as 2002 and 2001. Aims and JJ are the current national champions, having held that title
for the last four years. Aims and JJ combine fast paddling (in a racing canoe), with strategic
route choices, including both running to controls whenever possible and portaging the canoe across
land to save paddling.
You can see Aims and JJ's winning route on the map above (click the appropriate tab). Notice,
for example, the decision split up at the end of the course with JJ running to pick up the control
number 2 and Aims carrying the canoe across the peninsula to save time.
Darrell Scott ended up with the second best solo time; and his route is also shown above.
Darrell paddled to every control, only leaving his kayak at control number 8 (the land control),
and at the start and end of the race. (The start/finish table was a short distance from the canoe
On Sunday, Aims and JJ decided to repeat the course. However, this time they would go solo in
a head-to-head competition. They started just after 10:00am. Meanwhile, I waited down at the
canoe launch, camera in hand, hoping to get a shot of Aims and/or JJ taking off across the lake.
After a few minutes, Aims and JJ both came running to the canoe launch, but from different
directions. Then each contestant picked up their respective canoes
(pic and pic)
and ran down the trail, again in different directions. Couldn't either one of them find
the lake on their maps? Anyway, Aims finished 7 minutes ahead of JJ, and you can see his solo course
on the map above. Notice how we carried his canoe across four different sections of the course
to save time.
Also on the map above, you can see a graph showing the number of groups that visited each control
(click on "Visit Counts"). You will notice that every group visited the first control, although
many of the groups missed that control on the way out and had to punch it on the way back. On
the other hand, very few groups went all the way to control number 11 at the bottom of the map.
Finally, I should mention that this was the first orienteering meet that featured a wedding.
Actually, the wedding, held at the shore of the lake, was not associated with the orienteering
meet although one of the white controls
was hung just outside their venue.
Don't forget to check out all the pictures
that I took at the camping weekend, including shots of the canoe racers as well as foot-O racers.
Here are the final results for the 2004 Canoe-O
Aims Coney and JJ Cote | 42 | 52:22 |
pic |
Aims Coney (solo; redux) | 42 | 55:48 |
pic |
Darrell Scott (solo) | 42 | 59:48 |
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Joe Brautigan (solo) | 40 | 61:43 |
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Goslings | 39 | 58:43 |
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JJ Cote (solo; redux) | 39 | 62:48 |
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Charlie DeWeese (solo) | 36 | 52:17 |
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Dan and Steve | 33 | 55:02 |
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Peter and Gail Gagarin | 33 | 55:02 |
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Bill Noyce and Jonie LaBombard | 33 | 56:18 |
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Scott and Caroline Meeks | 33 | 57:59 |
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Siobhan and Leif | 33 | 65:40 |
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Jeremy Colgin and group | 32 | 60:18 |
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Bill Gray (solo) | 32 | 66:03 |
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Beth and Ben Gould | 30 | 56:16 |
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Sue Worthington and group | 30 | 56:33 |
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Terry Myers (solo) | 30 | 58:08 |
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Derrick Scott (solo) | 29 | 69:30 |
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Troup 21 - Dibble | 27 | 49:31 |
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Dunlavey and Burdick | 27 | 57:14 |
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Troup 21 "B" | 27 | 51:33 |
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Johnn's Team | 27 | 58:58 |
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Rubber Ducks | 26 | 63:52 |
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Chris Combs (solo) | 24 | 55:32 |
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Bryant Family | 24 | 62:03 |
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Janet Ryan (solo) | 23 | 63:59 |
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Tony Federer and group | 21 | 51:54 |
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Faiman group | 21 | 56:58 |
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Liz Brooks (solo) | 21 | 57:02 |
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Tyler and Milo Carpenter | 20 | 72:03 |
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Swanee Eagles | 19 | 61:28 |
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Katie Dion, Alan and Becky Kable | 19 | 61:43 |
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Williams and Dunlavey | 18 | 47:30 |
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John Benham and group | 18 | 55:30 |
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Jane Pomeroy and group | 18 | 62:52 |
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Aaron, Carolyn and Gen | 15 | 43:16 |
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The Unsinkables | 15 | 51:11 |
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Greg Sarnecki and group | 10 | 67:43 |
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This web page (http://www.gouldhome.com/Pawtuckaway2004Canoe-o.html) was last updated on October 03, 2004.
For any comments or suggestions about the site contact Daphne Gould.
Contents copyright © 1999-2003 by Joel and Daphne Gould.