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Another Set of Early Morning Pictures

As we get into fall, the sun is rising later and later and the leaves have started to turn. This gives me more chances to take some interesting photographs on my morning walk before boarding the shuttle bus to work.

This morning I caught the sunrise colors in the clouds which were then reflected in Spy Pond (Arlington, MA). I also got a good picture of a swan on Alewife Brook (Cambridge, MA) in the early morning light.

More Early Morning Pictures

So I have started to carry a more serious camera with my on my morning walks before boarding the shuttle bus to work. That gives me the ability to have more creative control over my shots, as well as teasing out better quality than my cellphone. I am still using a 12 year old camera (although I am eyeing an upgrade). And I really missed using a tripod or monopod, but a few of the photographs came out quite well.

You can see all my latest photographs from around town in this gallery. In the meantime, enjoy the following two pictures from yesterday morning.

Note: I have changed the on-click behavior – instead of taking you to SmugMug, it will just expand the picture. Please let me know if you prefer this behavior or the previous behavior (see the previous photography post).

Morning Pictures from Near Alewife

I took a few pictures during my Sunday morning walk around the Alewife Brook Reservation. Four more pictures have been added to the Photography page with the best two of them shown here.

I really need to start to carry around a better camera than my cell phone. At least I have figure out how to take RAW photographs on my Google Pixel 6 Pro, and how to download them to my computer. (Hint: use this magic link to access your uploaded RAW photographs https://photos.google.com/search/_tra_.)

Biking to Work with a View

In the warmer months, I will bike to work an average of two days a week. I leave home around 6am or as soon as it is light enough outside to be safe. Most of my route takes me along the Minuteman Commuter Bikeway. And every morning, I pass by Arlington’s Great Meadow’s.

Looking into the meadow from the bikeway, I face Northeast and often get some very interesting lighting since it is typically soon after dawn. I have picked up the habit of stopping to take pictures, if the light is particularly good that day. I only have my phone, but that’s better than nothing.

Anyway, here are two recent photographs of Arlington’s Great Meadows seen from the Minuteman Commuter Bikeway in the early morning light. Clicking on them will bring you to our photo site.

View of Arlington's Great Meadows
View of Arlington's Great Meadows

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