The last day is always sad. We had to pack up and leave. We actually spent most of the morning packing. We took a break of cheese danish for breakfast. Then it was back to packing some more. We decided to leave a lot of little things here. Like suntan lotion, bug spray, aloe vera lotion and the flashlights, and of course all the extra food we had yet to eat. After packing we had about an hour before we had to leave for the airport. So we sat in the gazebo for the last time, watching our friendly Balaos swim by.
At the airport we said goodbye to Stanton. He asked us how our vacation went and we told him how much fun we had. We also told him our troubles with the stove. Since he is the caretaker it is his job to get it fixed up. It turns out his wife is the one who cleans the house.
Joel had a bit of a problem with the departure tax ($15/person). He signed his name a little differently on the traveler's check and they wouldn't accept it. Ah well we will have to get American Express to replace it now.
The trip back was uneventful. In Miami the plane to Boston was overbooked by exactly three so the Meeks elected to take the $350 ticket/person as compensation and wait for the next flight. Their next plane trip should be much cheaper.
Goodbye Eleuthera! Hopefully we will be back someday.
[Ed: Now be sure to look at all the pictures. And if you liked this website, you should also check-out our adventure Rafting the Grand Canyon with almost 800 more pictures.]
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