Over the weekend, we applied for a building permit. The town now takes a month to respond, and we hope, grant us the permit (with one exception, see below). The packet we submitted includes detailed plans for the house. Here is the table of contents from the permit set.

I am not going to post all the drawings to this site. They are mostly either repeats of what I have posted before, or boring details about how the foundation, drainage, insulation, structural beams, septic system, etc. will be built.

There is, however, an interesting small note on on the first floor plan in the kitchen area.

The design calls for 2 gas (actually propane) burners. This is, unfortunately, not currently allowed under the fossil fuel infrastructure law. What we expect is that the building inspector will reject the two gas burners, but grant a building permit without that feature. Then we will be the first test case of the exemption granting process for the relatively new law. The inspector was warned so I doubt that he will completely miss that design point, but I can always hope.

Coming up soon: tree removal (next week) and asbestos removal (within a few weeks). With luck, I will capture some of the tree removal on the construction camera.

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