In the warmer months, I will bike to work an average of two days a week. I leave home around 6am or as soon as it is light enough outside to be safe. Most of my route takes me along the Minuteman Commuter Bikeway. And every morning, I pass by Arlington’s Great Meadow’s.

Looking into the meadow from the bikeway, I face Northeast and often get some very interesting lighting since it is typically soon after dawn. I have picked up the habit of stopping to take pictures, if the light is particularly good that day. I only have my phone, but that’s better than nothing.

Anyway, here are two recent photographs of Arlington’s Great Meadows seen from the Minuteman Commuter Bikeway in the early morning light. Clicking on them will bring you to our photo site.

View of Arlington's Great Meadows
View of Arlington's Great Meadows
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