Over the last few days, the crew has been very busy at our build site. First, they removed the remains of the old house and its foundation. Then the surveyors came in to flag the location for the new house (you can catch them briefly walking around in the middle of the video). And then the shovel got busy digging out the sand for the new foundation. (Yes, the lot is sand, which is good for easy construction.)
They have to dig four feet out from where the basement walls will be to put in the drainage systems. They also dig down since there is complex foundation footings under the basement floor. The builder told me that they need undisturbed soil for the foundation footings, and in two locations, they had to remove footings from the old house which overlapped where the new footings were going to be places, so they needed to dig down further in those two spots.
Here is our sandpit as of mid-Friday morning.

And here is a sped-up construction video showing the work over the last four days. After this video was taken, I moved the construction camera so that it will now show a view more like the picture above. That should avoid blocking the action with big piles of dirt.
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