A website for friends and family

Month: September 2024 (Page 2 of 2)

Biking to Work with a View

In the warmer months, I will bike to work an average of two days a week. I leave home around 6am or as soon as it is light enough outside to be safe. Most of my route takes me along the Minuteman Commuter Bikeway. And every morning, I pass by Arlington’s Great Meadow’s.

Looking into the meadow from the bikeway, I face Northeast and often get some very interesting lighting since it is typically soon after dawn. I have picked up the habit of stopping to take pictures, if the light is particularly good that day. I only have my phone, but that’s better than nothing.

Anyway, here are two recent photographs of Arlington’s Great Meadows seen from the Minuteman Commuter Bikeway in the early morning light. Clicking on them will bring you to our photo site.

View of Arlington's Great Meadows
View of Arlington's Great Meadows

First Two Chapters Posted

I plan on documenting the process of building our new house on the Sudbury River, partially to warn people off the complexities that is home building and partially to entertain, but also to solicit sympathy for the stress of this process.

The story starts with The Search for a New House and continues with The Worst Real Estate Lawyer Ever, and both of these chapters have been published this morning. The next few chapters are still in the planning stage, but you should see them relatively soon as we catch up with real-time.

Meanwhile all of the story chapters will be accessible from the Sudbury River House page (accessible from the menu bar).

R.I.P. Breezeway, Hello 10ft Gap

Good news. You can ignore my last post. Yes, the new house will be more than 50% larger than the existing house if you ignore the basement level of the old house. But it will not matter. According to the Concord building inspector, as long as the house is conforming (does not violate setback requirements, which is 40′ from the road and 15′ from the sides of property), and as long as the house is at least 10′ away from the existing garage, it will not matter that the existing garage is non-conforming. We will not need a special permit.

Based on the recommendations of friends, we had planned on a breezeway (not enclosed) between the planned kitchen door and the new garage side door. This breezeway was to protect us from rain or snow when we went between the detached garage and the house. However, based on this new information, we will not be allowed to build a breezeway since it would connect the house to the garage and make the whole thing non-conforming (and then we run into that no more than 50% larger issue). The planned deck does not count as connecting the two structures.

So, we move ahead, optimistically, that we will not need a special permit. But we will need some umbrella stands. Then, after 5 years, we should be able to add a breezeway if we want.

Here is a diagram showing the plans. Dotted red lines are the required setbacks. Solid red line is the wetlands setback (different town committee). The breezeway in green will have to be removed from the design. (The green main entrance is still fine). The proposed shed (garage addition in blue) will be allowed.

Staying Under 50%

There is a house (see photograph below) on our recently purchased property which we want to tear down and replace. We are trying very hard to design a replacement house that would not require any special permits. Our initial problem was staying with in the lines, something that I will make clearer once I start to post details of the whole process.

But now we have hit another snag. We are allowed to replace the existing house and replace it as long as the replacement is no more than 50% larger. If the new house is larger than that, we have to get a special permit and it is not clear how hard or how long the permitting process will be.

The real estate listing for the current house says that it is 3009 sq ft. That is based on three floors, the main floor, the second floor and the finished basement, which includes 2 bedrooms. However, the way we are reading the law, the town may not count the finished basement in the house size. If that turns out to be the case, the existing size is 2586 sq ft including the garage. And right now, our proposals for the new house comes out at more than 3879 sq ft (the 50% larger threshold).

So our architect is trying to get some feedback from the town on this problem. And we wait. Its not clear that removing a room from the main floor to reduce the size will be acceptable to us (getting rid of our proposed shed would be OK).

Picture of existing house

This is the existing house and garage (from the real estate listing). We will be keeping the garage.

Update: according to Daphne, the 50% is only an issue if we connect the new house to the existing garage with a breezeway. That’s because the existing garage is non-conforming (its too close to the road). If we do not add a breezeway, then there may be no problem with exceeding the 50% larger size limit.

Photography Section is Finished

I have finished the Photography section of this website, including its child pages. I will periodically update the recent pictures, but otherwise most of the section is static.

I do have a backlog of photographs from years past that I should process and upload, but right now I will be focusing on the house.

New Headshots and Site Updates

I am working on filling in the static sections of the Gould Home website. I took the opportunity of Beth’s visit to get new headshots for the whole family, which have been added to the to the About Us page. And just to get a sense of how we have aged (gracefully, I hope), I created a Gould Family Pictures page in the Photography section which links a lot of family pictures from years past.

I have also moved over the Travel Journal index from the old website. And I have started to fill in the rest of the Photography section with two more child pages to go.

Beth is Leaving Us

Beth was home for just under two weeks. But her passport with its new visa has been mailed back from the consulate, so Beth is hopping on a plane to return to St. Petersburg, just in time for classes to start at ITMO University.

It was nice seeing Beth in person for change. While she was in town, she got the change to chat with friends and Zoom with the family in Kansas City. Beth was also able to go through all her belongings, since she may not get another chance before we move to the new house. Although the main goal of the visit was to get a new visa, Beth was also able to pick up the mail order packages that we had been storing for her (delivery to Russia is unreliable at best).

That said, it will be good to get my home office and favorite reading and napping spot back.

Beth's luggage

A House on the River

On August 30th, it finally happened. We have purchased a property on the Sudbury River in Concord, MA. Included in the sale is an acre of wetlands that we are not allowed to touch, an existing house which is in disrepair and unhealthy to live in, a small patch of grass (which I now need to mow) and a small area of land between setbacks and no-build zones where we attempt to build a new house.

I plan on adding a page to this website with details of the process as we go through it. In the meantime, admire this view, which in a couple of years will be what we see every day.

Welcome to the new Gould Home.

After an 18 year absence, we have decided to reestablish a web presence for the Gould family at www.gouldhome.com. I have decided to use WordPress and go for a simple template for now. We are not trying to sell you anything. Instead, this is just a way of keeping friends and family updated with goings on.

Our old web site is still online at old.gouldhome.com. That said, I will be linking some of the more interesting and timeless material from this new site.

It may take me a couple of weeks to get everything set up on the new site, so be patient.

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